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About Our Organization
The Solvay-Geddes Community Youth Center (CYC) opened its doors on December 7, 1964 through the effort and foresight of a group of men and women known as the Solvay Tigers Athletic Club, Inc. and its Auxiliary. Prior to its opening, members of the Solvay-Geddes community were forced to travel long distances in search of a positive after school environment and safe recreational and skill-building programs for their children. The family structure has significantly changed since the CYC's inception and so too have the programs and services provided. Though an integral part of the community in its early years, the CYC has become even more crucial to the success of its community as well as to the surrounding area at large. Single parent homes, both parents being forced to work, rise in delinquency, drug use and teen pregnancy are but a few of the societal ills the programs provided through CYC combat. Through after school activities, organized athletic programs and various other character-building programs, the CYC's primary programmatic philosophy is to influence youth to become healthy, active, responsible, contributing adults. The latch key and after-school programs offer the youth of the community positive alternatives to delinquency. Emphasis on fitness, teamwork, and responsibility for ones actions are the key components of programs offered that develop youth into positive adults, resulting in stronger and safer neighborhoods. A secondary program philosophy of the CYC is aimed towards the elderly of the community. Better quality of life and medical advancements have led to an increased elderly population. The CYC has adapted its facilities through the years to accommodate and develop programming to assist the elderly. Aquatics, general fitness, recreation and skill-building programs enable seniors to lead healthy, safe, independent lifestyles. The Arthritis Foundation utilizes the facility for water activities providing relief from the discomforts associated with arthritis. Meeting rooms are available for various community groups. The CYC is host to the Red Cross annual blood drive, as well as various other preventative health measures such as blood pressure and cholesterol screenings, flu shot distributions and general wellness clinics to assist the elderly maintain their health. The CYC has had a positive impact on hundreds of seniors who reside within the community. Many of whom are able to lead active, healthy, and independent lives as a direct result of the programs provided by the CYC, often delaying and even eliminating institutional care. Recreational, fitness, and social programs at the CYC have resulted in a more responsible, healthy, generous, and caring community. Historically, youth, adult, and elderly members routinely give back to the community by devoting their time, resources, and financial support. |